What is PartiSim?
PartiSim is a new approach to simulation fit for the operational needs of the 21st century. At its heart is a belief that greater stakeholder involvement (PARTIcipation) is vital to developing SIMulation models capable of addressing the increasingly complex problems found within organisational settings today.
PartiSim grew out of a recognition that traditional means of modelling, usually involving only a single stakeholder, do not translate into practical solutions. Traditional means of modelling are not designed to involve numerous stakeholders, usually dealing with a single client instead. As a result, ownership and understanding of the model remain exclusively in the hands of the modellers themselves – and complicated problems characterised by distributed power and knowledge go unsolved.
PartiSim aims to avoid such shortcomings through a focus on PARTIcipative SIMulation. By incorporating direct input from a number of stakeholders at almost every stage of the process, it seeks to develop bespoke models that are truly relevant and beneficial to their users. We believe active collaboration between modellers and stakeholders enhances a sense of ownership, confidence, implementation and impact.
Core Values
We believe the PartiSim process is efficient as well as effective, which is why each workshop typically lasts just two hours. Overall, the PartiSim approach is designed to satisfy a number of key objectives and values, which can be summarised as follows:
- Develop a genuinely collaborative relationship between modellers and stakeholders from the outset
- Give stakeholders a platform for discussion and knowledge-sharing
- Enable stakeholders to participate in the simulation process, from structuring
- through to implementation
- Devise a comprehensive yet simple approach that is fully supported by
- toolsets and guidance
- Draw on a full range of modelling tools – established, adapted and new – to facilitate simulation
- Combine modelling and project management to best effect
The PartiSim approach was developed by Drs Antuela Tako and Kathy Kotiadis.

Dr Antuela Tako – Reader in Operational Research, Loughborough University

Dr Kathy Kotiadis – Reader in Management Science, University of Kent
Antuela is a Reader in Operational Research at Loughborough University’s School of Business and Economics. Her research focuses on facilitated modelling, behavioural simulation (how simulation models are developed, used and perceived in facilitated and non-facilitated settings) and comparison of alternative simulation approaches. Antuela can be contacted directly at a.takou@lboro.ac.uk.
Kathy is a Reader in Management Science at the University of Kent. Her research focuses on conceptual modelling, facilitated approaches, soft systems methodology, discrete-event simulation and the development of self-adaptive discrete-event simulation. Kathy can be contacted directly at k.kotiadis@kent.ac.uk.
Antuela and Kathy have co-authored a number of journal articles and presentations that explain in detail the development, application and advantages of the PartiSim approach. Please visit the Publications page for a full list.